Saturday, April 17, 2010

We have a walker

The last week or so Kase has been trying to walk. He would take a step or two between me and Chris, or from holding on to something to one of us. Today he was pulled up and decided to just walk all the way across the room. He is still doing most of his traveling through crawling but any day now he will just take off and start running. (Help us!!) It was a nice suprise and a much needed reward after a very trying week at work.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Bunny

Happy Easter Everyone! The day care was closed on Good Friday. So Chris and I took of the day to have some family time. We woke up and headed to San Antonio and met the Easter Bunny. I don't know why parents feel it necessary to torture their children about 75% of the kids were screaming and crying but I had to do it at least once. I was looking back at pictures of me with the Easter bunny at about Kase's Age and I Loved it, even though the Easter Bunny looked truly evil (see below). Kase did really well with the Easter Bunny and even smiled and shook hands with him. However once I put him in his arms for the picture he tried to quickly escape. We almost bought the picture of him escaping but decided to go with the one were he looked slightly like he was having a good time.

After our Easter Bunny visit we went to Bravo and had a nice lunch with a couple of Friends Christina and Anu from work. Then we did a little shopping and got Kase a swimsuit and sandals for the summer. We finally headed home and Kase had a really long and much needed nap.

I wish every one a blessed Easter weekend!

Me with the REALLY SCARY Easter Bunny at 15 months of Age. (Golly mom is a miracle I'm not scared for life)

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