Saturday, May 30, 2009

2 Posts in 1…

So the computer finally made me mad enough so we got a new one… YEA!! its amazing how fast I can actually blog now.  On the old computer, because it was on its last leg, it took almost and hour to put up one post… now as soon as I type it its up!!

So The BUMBO Seat.  We love the Bumbo.  Kase enjoys watching TV… all the colors. So every now and then he will sit in his chair and enjoy the sights.  A lot of Doctors recommend the use of the bumbo chair. Since babies spend so much time on their backs, a lot of children have issues with misshapen heads… Spending time on the tummy or in a bumbo chair helps take that pressure off. Kase HATES tummy time so the bumbo chair is right up his ally.


DSC00687 DSC00681  

Also today we had our first trip to the pool…. He love it.  We had our first experience putting on sun screen and his little swim suit.  He then sat on the edge of the pool with daddy! After his pool experience he took a little nap in mommy’s arms.

DSC00697 His post swim nap!

DSC00688 Mommy and baby with matching shades !!

The first dip in the Pool!


Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well Kase decided to Rollover yesterday.  I think he did it more on accident.  He hasn't done it again yet. Kase just does things when ever he wants too and only if he wants to so we shall see how long it takes for him to roll over again.  
I think he hasn't done it by now because we don't do tummy time very often at all.  He screams really loud when he's on his tummy so we just don't do it.  I made him do a few minutes last night and thats when he decided to roll over... We tried today and no roll, just cry.  Oh well.  One of these days we'll get it on video so we'll be able to prove it. :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Weekend

Sorry it's been so long since my last post.  My computer has not been working properly and I finally am able to actually get on the Internet... YEA!!!   

I had to go back to work this week...  It was very sad to leave Kase, but alas I have to have the cash to keep a roof over our heads. Silly mortgage.  I never dreamed it would be this hard to go back to work after I had the baby.  Every day I'm at work I feel like a little piece of me is missing. Kase is trying to adjust to his new schedule but he has been fussy in the evenings.  Leaving the few short hours that I have with him every day to be his fussy time.  

Luckily I was able to have a 3 day weekend due to Memorial day to ease my way back into work.  My Brother in Law and soon to be Sister in law Kayleen came to visit on their three day weekend.  Tomorrow is John's birthday so we celebrated with a birthday dinner today since he has to make the trek back to BayCity.  

Kase is almost 12 weeks old and is officially sleeping through the night.  He's been toying with it since a few weeks ago. Every now and then he gets up at about 3 am but last night he slept from 9:30 to 7.  Since he has been sleeping through the night it makes him hungrier during the day.  He wants to eat every two hours or so.  (Milk just isn't cutting it any more, I think we are going to end up moving to rice cereal sooner then when the doctor says.)  This along with me going back to work makes him off of his schedule. There are some days he wont nap which makes the time in the evenings even fussier.  I also think he might be going through a little growth spurt and might have his first issue with constipation so all of that adds up and makes him not feel well.  

Well here are some pictures from the last few weeks since I haven't been able to put them up.  
Kase with his little aggie blanket and little aggie suit.  One of these days we are goign to get all the aggie rings together and take a picture of him with the all of our rings.  

Kase in his Cammo.  Taken 5/10

Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Visitors

This weekend our best friends Amanda and Brian came to visit. They recently had a baby named Gabriel. Gabe is about 2 weeks younger then Kase. We were so excited to have them visit from Clute Tx. We don't get to see them very often but we were so excited to be able to share this experience of having our first babies together. Amanda and I have known each other since Junior high and we added Brian and Chri in college. Amanda and I have had alot of firsts together. First dates... First time living on our own... First speeding tickets... etc.
We had a great time this weekend watching the babies hang out together and meeting each others kiddos for the first time. Kase and Gabe are on two different schedules but we finally got them awake together. Gabe was having a great time posing for the camera while Kase didn't want to smile but he enjoyed hanging out with Gabe looking out the window. We laughed and thought that they were both gazing longingly into their futures. We hope to get the boys together as much as we can. We hope that they become great friends like the 4 of us are.
Sunday was Mother's Day. It also made our visit more special to be able to share at least part of our first Mother's Day together. Click here to see more pictures of Kase and Gabe.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2 Months!

Happy Birthday to Kase! We have made it to the two month mark. Last night Chris took a few pictures in the "photo studio." It was right before nap time so he was having some naked time. He was laughing and being silly so we decided to snap a few pictures. In one of the pictures above he was practicing... "I love you THIS much."

So on this two month date Kase is now reaching for things and practicing his hand - eye coordination. He's not that great at it but he's getting better. He is working on focusing on objects too. It is kind of funny when he focuses on something, we move the object, then he goes cross eyed. I try to tell him that his face is going to freeze like that but he just laughs. He loves looking in the mirror. He is becoming much more active and can even kick and scoot him self one way or the other. I'm not sure if he is doing it on purpose yet but he seems to be doing it only when he wants something. I tried to tell him that he needs to be able to roll over and sit up first... but he's not listening.

We went to our 2 month Dr. appointment today. Our normal Pediatrician Dr. Benbow is on vacation in Africa right now so we saw another doctor in his practice, Dr. Purnell. We have seen Dr. Purnell before, he was the one that gave Kase a clean bill of health to release us from the hospital 2 months ago. We got all measured and weighed. He is still in the 95% for every thing. He was 24 in. long and 13.25 lbs. He did need a diaper change when we weighed him. By the size of his diaper that may have attributed to the extra .25 lbs :). Kase also has a condition on his face. It looks like a little rash but its actually created by hormones. It is similar to cradle cap but on his cheeks and neck instead of top of the head. There's really nothing to do to treat it other then put a cream on it like cortaid or something like that. It will eventually go away on its own once his hormones adjust themselves. He also had is first set of shots today. They gave an oral vaccine for Rotovirus. Its supposed to not taste very good and a lot of babies spit it up. Kase took it like a champ. He was hungry so he chugged it :). He was also given 5 shots. He had 2 in the right leg, which he took like a champ and didn't even cry. He just looked right at me. The next 3 were in his left leg and he started crying. By shot number 4 he was tied of it and pitching a pretty big fit. Once she was done and left the room Kase was all smiles again. We put his paci back in his mouth and went to the car. He did so well and I am so proud of him. I attached a picture above of his band aids from his shot. How sad is that, the nurse gave him purple and pink camouflage.

Our next visit to the Doctor is not until 4 months. By that time he'll be starting on rice cereal too so there should be some fun milestones between now and then!
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The Aspiring Photographer

Little did I know that my husband is an aspiring photographer. Chris has set up a makeshift photo studio in our office. He conned Riley and Tyson into being his models. What those two won't do for a bone or a cookie :). Then Kase was the next tester. We took a few pictures on his two month birthday. I'm sure there will be more to come. These pictures turned out great. Maybe we should start our own photo business. Heck... if it worked out maybe I could be a stay at home mommy? Yea right :)! Chris would never let me.
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