Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blue Bonnets 2010

This year the bluebonnets are amazing. We have had a lot of great rain and a good freeze right before they bloomed. The wild flowers are out in force. Now that the weather is better we wanted to take some pictures while they were in major bloom. It was a little windy so in some of the pictures he looks like he has a Mohawk!
Blogger was giving me a hard time and I could only get it to post one picture. Please click the picture to see the rest of the picture! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A few of my favorite things!

What cookie!! I don't see a cookie!
(Chris had made Chocolate Chip cookies today, I thought the plate was empty but apparently not. Kase had 2 cookies one in each hand chowing down.)

My new play room mommy and daddy are building me! I can't wait for it to be finished!

The Wii Nunchucks!
(Why out of all the toys we have for the boy, he goes straight for the nunchucks. He then hangs them around his neck and crawls around the house. Why?)

Would you like a block?

Wheel of fortune! My favorite TV show.
At 6:30 every night Kase crawls over to the TV and makes sure Wheel of Fortune is on. What an internal clock the boy has.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Playing Peek a boo with the hat!

Awww The hat finally stayed on :)

Mommy told me that if I stole this little dude's hat there would be gold in it... No gold so I put blocks in there!

Kase did wear green all day, however we had spaghetti for dinner so he had to wear the hat so that he wouldn't get pinched. He did inform me that there is green on his diapers so if daddy can get away with green boxers then he could get away with green on the diaper :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1 year Doctors Appt

We took Kase to his 1 year doctors appointment. The dr. looked at him and said, "Yep, Still huge!" Kase is a very tall boy. He is 33 inches tall, which puts him in the 95% for height. He towers over most of his 18 month old cousins. Kase average for weight, weighing in at 24 pounds. He falls in the 75% for the Height/weight combo.

Kase is getting very good with his hand eye coordination and is a pro at catching a ball. (Looking good on some sort of pro sports career :)) He is very into the color Yellow. He is also really into putting things in things. Which is very nice when helping mommy clean up. Lets hope this continues in the future. He is a very organized kid and likes his toys in the right place.

Kase had 5 shots yesterday. Very sad. It is really hard seeing them get shots in their legs, but they he had to get one in each limb. They started giving shots in the arm. So sad. I can't believe the vaccinate against Chicken Pox now. Come on I lived through it! Oh well. I guess we have to follow instructions so he can stay in day care and eventually allow him to school.

The doctor instructed us to move Kase over to whole milk and start to get him off the bottle. Yea that sounds like fun. He is such a good eater I hope this process is not too stressful for him. His favorite food is by far bananas followed by oranges. He is just a fruit eating boy :)

We are so blessed to have a healthy little boy!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kase's 1st Birthday Party

Click on the picture for additional party pics!

We had a big shin dig for Kase's first birthday. Kase was feeling a little under the weather so he had a very short temper. He was diagnosed with RSV a few days before the party. His fever broke on Friday so he was better but still not 100%.

He did get to have some fun on his birthday though. Some of his cousins still came even though he was sick. Most of the cousins had already had RSV when they were babies. We ended up having about 30 people at the party. The whole family came, including my mom, grandma, Colby & Ryan and Aunt Dana from Houston. Even a few of our friends Jenn and Heather showed up. It was so much fun but crazy!

Kase was a little stressed out with all the people staring at him while he was opening his presents he got a ton of toys and some really cute clothes! All was well once he got to tear into the cake. He really wasn't into the cake part but really enjoyed licking off all the icing. Mommy thinks thats the best part too!

The balloons were a big hit with the kids. Most of them flew away and a few were popped. The kids also enjoyed pulling Kase and Jackson around in the wagon that Barry and Ginny got Kase for his birthday.

Kase is such a lucky little boy to have all these people that love him! Thank you all who took part in his big day!

Kase's 1 year Pictures

We had Kase's 1 year pictures take on his birthday Friday March 5th. He was a little fussy but we got some great shots!! Click on the picture to enjoy the rest!

1st Hair Cut!

My little boy had some scraggly curls. So we decided to have his 1st hair cut on Thursday before his birthday. We went to a place called "Sharkeys cuts for kids." It was amazing. They had really cool chair like cars for the toddlers and big leather chairs with video games for the bigger kids. They had tons of toys and fun stuff to look at!

The ladies that worked there were amazing. They were so patient and quick. Kase was amused in his Lighting McQueen Car. He did so well. He only cried a little when she turned on the clippers to buzz off the back of his hair. Once we distracted him with the car he sat there like a champ!

My little boy now looks like a little man. It kind of makes me cry a little.


The weekend of Valentines day, my mom came for a visit. We went out to the SA Rodeo and hung out at the fair grounds. Kase really enjoyed the petting zoo! He loved all the goats and the deer. The big hit was the Alpaca. I'm trying to convince Chris that Kase needs an Alpaca. :)

Yea! Alpaca!

Kisses from an adorable Goat.


Aww but I still love the Alpaca

Once we got home Kase enjoyed applying everything he learned at the rodeo and did a little steer wrestling of his own.


Thank Goodness Its .... Girl Scount Cookies!!!

We love this time of the year, the Girl Scouts camp out in front of Walmart. This year we were lucky because we had a friend of ours as Cookie mom! Yea Short Breads!

PS this should have been posted on Feb 7th. I'm a slacker :)