Sunday, October 18, 2009


Kase loves Spaghetti. It is Beechnut Pasta and Veggies, but tastes like Spaghetti O's. He practiced chewing. Since he was acting like he was chewing we tried moving on to the yogurt melts, but he choked on them so we'll have to wait a little longer on those.

We've also started trying the pureed meats. The Earth's Best Dinners he really likes. Beef and spinach tastes like Chili and he really enjoyed that. It doesn't sound that appealing to mommy but he's such a good eater. We've only found a few things that he hates. Beechnut Mac & Cheese, but he likes the Gerber Mac and Cheese and of course broccoli.


Kase is on the move! Not quite sure if it qualifies as a crawl... Its more of an army crawl / scoot! Who knows. He will get up on knees like he is going to go for a crawl... then lays down on his tummy and does this. :) lol He's growing up way to fast ;(

Corn Maize

Kase in the Pumpkins!

Yummy! My Pumpkin

Hi Mom! Why am I in the dirt?

Lost in the Maize

Picture moment! Kase is hiding his eyes.
We had a great time last night out at the Corn Field Maize. We only got lost a couple times! It was very dark and we only had our cell phones to light the path. They had question pages that helped you along the path. If you get the question correct it would give you the next set of directions. If you get it wrong it would send you in the wrong direction. We did the first half of the Maze with just Jason, Kase, Chris and me. Then the rest of the group joined. This was the first time that Megan, Lindsae, Robby and Michael got to meet Kase. Kase loved the maze and just talked the whole time through. We didn't get to make it all the way out of the pumpkin patch before dark. We took some pictures in a little picture spot that they had made. He was so tired by the time that we made it home.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

First Big Boy Bath

MMM I caught a crab!

My loofah mommy!

He is learning the "you've got to be kidding me Dad" look early!

Kase has officially out grown his baby bath tub. We had to move to the big boy bath. He has always loved his bath but this has taken it to a new level. He can kick and splash and play. He loves the Loofah! We bought a fun color changing loofah. He laughs when we bathe him with it. I guess it tickles. He loves to splash his bath toys around the bath and yells at them when they won't come back. Since he can't sit really well for a long period of time, I was afraid he was going to float away in the bath so we purchased the Safety 1st bath seat. It is WONDERFUL! Kase loves it... it still allows him to splash around and play. It also allows mommy to not have to hold him every second and can play with him in the bath too.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Our first injury

My little boy had his first little injury last night :(. Kase was rolling around on the floor playing with all of his toys. He rolled over and bonked his head on the TV console. He didn't hit it very hard but he did start to cry. Daddy picked him up and he said mama and tried to come to me. I held him for a few minutes and then put him in the bath. Once he was in the bath I noticed a little bump on his forehead. It wasn't even big enough to get a picture of :(. Of course being the paranoid mommy that I am... I had to google how to tell if an infant has a concussion.

We had a long night last night too. Kase has a stuffy nose and he seems like he's teething. He didn't sleep from about 2 till 4. So mommy is very very tiered.

Also today was Kase's 7 month birthday. He is growing so fast. I am excited for all his milestones but it makes me sad too. Last night while up at 2 am. I was rocking him in my arms trying to get him to go back to sleep and it brought back memories of the first few weeks we had him home. I used to be able to hold him in one arm and now it takes two. Its amazing to me now how big he is and that he ever fit in my tummy.

Kase did get to have a little special fun today. His cousin Jackson turned 1 yesterday. Jackson brought in cupcakes at the day care for his birthday. Kase doesn't like sweets but he did love to tear up the cupcake. He liked to feel the difference of the texture of the icing versus the cake. The cupcakes were green, so he looks like a little munchkin.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

First words?!?

Kase sitting on the floor playing.

Enjoying a football game with daddy!

Nap time to recover from the fun!

More napping!

Trying to crawl, Getting so close!

Last weekend Chris, Kase and I were in the car heading into town. It was very quite in the car and all of the sudden Kase said "mama." Chris and I both turned to each other and laughed. We both chalked it up to baby talk not thinking that it meant anything. Pretty much just baby babble coming from the back seat. I didn't get my hopes up and classify this as his first word. Over the course of this week, the ladies at the day care swore he said "dada." He also says "baba" but I don't think he has any idea what he is saying nor does he identify what he's saying to an item. Well that was until yesterday. Chris still thinks I'm crazy and it doesn't count but I think it does. :) Last night Chris was holding Kase and giving him his night time bottle before bed. Kase was really fidgety and was acting like he didn't want to be held. Kase turned around and looked at me and said mama. Then again today we were playing on the floor and Kase said mama as I got up to walk off. Most websites out there say that kids really don't say their first word until 13-18months. But other web sites say that you count the babbling of the mama and dada between 6-9 months? I dunno?

Until further notice I'm counting it!

Kase will be 7 months old tomorrow. He is growing so fast and reaching so many milestones. He sits pretty well now. As long as he is focused on the toy he is holding he will sit by himself for several minutes. No official crawling just yet. He scoots on his belly and rolls to get where he wants to go. He made it down the hallway and into the office the other day on his own. He doesn't have any teeth yet either. He has two little bumps on the bottom but no change in the last few weeks. You can tell its bugging him, he bites everything and drools buckets. I'm hoping that the tooth will come soon so he can have some relief.

Here are some pictures from the last week! Enjoy!!