This week we took the kids to their well visits at the Doctor's office. Due to being busy with Kylar we didn't get Kase in for his 3 year check up till May 1st. So we'll start with Kase.
Kase is still pretty tall for his age. At his check up he was 39 and 5/8ths inches tall (85th percentile) and weighed 35 lbs (60th percentile). When you look at BMI that puts him right in the 70-75th percentile. Our doctor says that he is right on track for growth and looks very healthy. He was also impressed with his vocabulary and conversational skills.
Kase made his first trip to the dentist this week too. He did really well getting his teeth clean and letting the dentist check him out. However, he has a cavity. The dentist said that is possibly a side effect of all the antibiotics he was on as a baby has made his teeth a little bit weak. So wish us luck on May 17th as we get the first filling.
Kase is very into Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Transformers and Baseball. He still loves Mickey Mouse Club House but I'm glad he's branching out a bit. The Little Einstein phase as pretty much gone away only asking to watch it every now and then. Kase still enjoys Chuggington and Playing with his trains. However he has started in a Transformers phase, watching the movie over and over again and playing with his Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee action figures. Kase didn't quit understand that the guys name was "Prime" He was calling him Optimus Crying. Pretty cute. Kase also enjoys his fair share of iPhone app time. Angry birds still ranks right up there on the top of his list. He also enjoys the toy tank and Cars racing game.
As far as food, Kase is eating us out of house and home. I'm nervous about our grocery bill when he becomes a teenager. As an example last night he ate 3 whole brauts. His favorites are sausage, raviolis, Corn dogs and Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches.
Now on to little Miss Kylar. She is officially 2 months. We've been to the doctor a couple of times due to reflux. We have her now on special formula for spit up. She is also on Zantac. Other than making her poop really gross the medicine seems to be helping a lot. She is keeping her formula down pretty well and is starting to put on weight.
Length: 22.75 inches
Weight: 11 pounds
Percentile: 50%
It's amazing how different kids are and siblings are even as infants. Kase was a piggy and was eating over 6 oz by now. Kylar is at a constant 4 oz and some times more. I'm also used to being told that they are big for their age and in the 90th percentile. However Kylar is just right in the middle for Length and Weight. Kylar got 3 shots at her appointment and cried immediately. However after the nurse let her go she was smiling and happy. Her legs were a little sensitive all day but a generally happy baby. However her brother when he would get shots, would hold his breath and not cry until after it was all done and then pretty much hold a grudge all day.
Kylar really enjoys her little rattle horsey. She also enjoys tummy time. That is another major difference between her and Kase. Kase would scream the second that he was even headed towards him tummy. Kylar on the other than looks around for about 5 seconds then falls asleep. Below is what tummy time looks like. I'm not sure that this is the purpose.
Overall Kylar is a great and very happy baby. The only time she gets upset is when her diaper is wet or she is cold. She loves to be bundled just like her mommy.
Here are a few pictures of the kids from Easter that I didn't get posted.
My amazing kiddos |
Not too happy that I woke her up from a nap to do the egg hunt |
All smiles even though he didn't feel well |
The frisbee that Aunt Angela gave Kase for Easter ended up on the roof a million times. Uncle John had to get creative on how to get it down. |