Thursday, March 26, 2009

More 3 Week Pictures

21 Days old!

Happy 3 week Birthday to Kase!

Its amazing how much they change and so quickly. We started at 8 lbs 4oz. In the hospital lost a pound to 7lbs 4 oz. Last Dr appointment he was back up to 8lbs 6 oz which was at 2 weeks. I really think he is 9 lbs now. We go back to the doctor at 1 month so I'm excited to see his progress.

He is so strong and has really good control of his head already. He has a killer grip too, he'll be holding his bottle by himself before we know it.

I hope you guys enjoy the pictures that I took today. We had a good day today, playing on the blanket that Aunt Judy made. We had some tummy time and he's already trying to tuck his knees under him. He also had some swing time this afternoon. That only lasted about 5 mins though. I don't think he's very crazy about the swing just yet. Maybe he'll grow into that.

Chris hanging out with Kase even though he is sporting his "Totally Cutter then Daddy" T-shirt.

And we had to poke a little fun at Jason since he hasn't come to visit yet!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

There will be no pinching the baby. He wore his green on St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kase Update

We take Kase to his 2nd check up tomorrow. We also have to go and have his PKU done... That is really sad. I'm hoping we have a good person and it doesn't hurt him too bad.

I wanted to share a couple more pictures. This is Kase in his adorable Janie and Jack out fit Manda's Mom gave him. Its very cute. In one of the pictures Tyson tried to steal the scene but I wouldn't let him. The poor puppies don't know what hit them. They are very concerned when he grunts or cries. They are very protective I think and want to make sure that we are taking care of him when he cries. Its kind of cute. They love to sniff him but haven't tried to lick yet.

After Kase's First Dr. appointment his weight was back up to 8 lbs which is good and he had grown a quarter of an inch. I'm really interested to see what he's grown too now in a week.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome Kase Michael Braden!!!

Born on March 5th, 2009

Weight: 8 lbs 4oz

Length: 20.5 in

Check out for the pictures that were taken by the hospital.
Check our more pictures of Kase on Picasa

Thursday March 5, 2008

Well it was 5 am at Methodist hospital. We got all checked in and moved into a Labor and Delivery room. During the time we were waiting for a room we met a couple that lived out our direction and they were having a C-section at 6 so by the time I was induced their little boy Ryder was already here. Chris bumped into him several times during our stay at the hospital.

Once we got to our L&D room we got all comfy. I got hooked up to tons of machines, heart monitors, contraction monitors, blood pressure monitors and the worst of all an IV. I have rolling veins so that took a bit to get me hooked up. They started the Oxycontin (like petosin) a little before 7. No problem. I started having contractions about 2 mins to 1.5 mins apart. I actually could feel them so for the first few hours of labor I was hanging out and watching TV.

About 9:30 Dr. Cerney came in and broke my water. I had dilated to about 3.5 at that point. Very exciting. She told me I could have an epidural any time I wanted it since I was being Induced it wouldn't have much effect on my progress. I declined at the time since I was feeling pretty good. About 2 hours after my water broke I couldn't stand it any more and got an epidural about noon.

Epidural was awesome. I was so nervous about having that large needle and catheter in my back. It was a piece of cake actually. Getting the IV was much much worse the the epidural. in about 5 minutes I was numb and in 7th heaven. I actually took a little nap. About 2 I called Amanda to let her know what was going on. Chris thought it was funny. I was having contractions off the Richter scale but blabbing away with Amanda the whole time. Right before I called Amanda the Nurse checked my progress and Nothing. from 9:30 - 2 I had no change.

The Dr. was called to let her know my progress and she said that she would be back before 5 and if no change we were going to have a C-section. 4 o'clock rolled around and nothing. Not even a little bit of movement from 9:30 - 4. Dr. Cerney stepped out of the room and went to check OR status. We went right in. By 4:22 I had my little boy.

The C-section was very interesting. The OR was COLD. I was shaking violently. Due to the epidural and all the pushing and pulling I got really nauseated. It took them less then 10 mins to start the surgery and Kase was born. It took about 45 mins for them to sew me back up. By a little after 5 I was in the recovery room.

My temp was way to low coming out of the OR so they used this cool contraption called a bear hugger. It was a thin plastic sheet, that was hooked to a vacuum type hose that blew hot air all over me. I stopped shaking immediately. It was amazing. I need one of those at home!

By about 7 I was up in my hospital room all settled in. They sent Kase off to the Nursery because he had some fluid in his lungs and his White blood count was a little high. They called in the pediatricians and a consult from the NICU Drs. They decided the best course of action was some antibiotic treatments. So Kase had an IV in his foot with a little boot on that made his foot purple. It was so sad. We were very nervous about his condition but the Drs said that it could be a small infection or that it could just be from stress due to being induced all day then having to have a C-section was pretty stressful for him. I finally was able to have him back by about 11 pm that night.

After a fun few days in the hospital and a bunch of great visitors we were finally able to go home on Sunday. Kase got the green light from the pediatricians saying all was good with him at about 6 am on Sunday. It was a great big relief. I do want to say that the staff and Methodist Hospital was amazing. We had some great nurses and help during my stay there. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

Well Wednesday was intresting

On Wednesday 3/4 we had our normal baby check up. The check up was scheduled for noon. 10 days left till the due date. From a previous appointment I was starting to show signs of Pre-Eclampsia so I had to watch my blood pressure very carefully. When I got to my appointment my blood pressure was pretty high. I had gained 4 lbs in one week. So I was diagnosed with Pregnancy induced Hypertension.

They immediately took me and hooked me up to a machine to monitor Kase's heart beat and if I was having contractions. I wasn't. Kase's heart beat was fine and he was moving around like a champ. So that was a relief that the baby was ok. After that, the Doc checked me to see if I was dilating at all. I was only at 1 cm. Due to the Hypertension and other signs of Pre-Eclampsia, she didn't feel comfortable leaving me pregnant for another week to see if I would dilate even more. She said that I would be very sick if the Pre- Eclampsia progressed even more. She decided to induce immediately.

She left the room to call Methodist hospital to see when they had time available. 5 am Thursday morning. That was tomorrow. In less then 12 hours I was going to be a mom!! Holly cow. Needless to say it was a rush to get back to work. Get situated there. Get home and get everything ready for baby. I didn't sleep a wink.

3:30 came awful early. We had to leave by 4 to make it to the hospital by 5. Who needs coffee that early the excitement and the nerves were enough.