On Wednesday 3/4 we had our normal baby check up. The check up was scheduled for noon. 10 days left till the due date. From a previous appointment I was starting to show signs of Pre-Eclampsia so I had to watch my blood pressure very carefully. When I got to my appointment my blood pressure was pretty high. I had gained 4 lbs in one week. So I was diagnosed with Pregnancy induced Hypertension.
They immediately took me and hooked me up to a machine to monitor Kase's heart beat and if I was having contractions. I wasn't. Kase's heart beat was fine and he was moving around like a champ. So that was a relief that the baby was ok. After that, the Doc checked me to see if I was dilating at all. I was only at 1 cm. Due to the Hypertension and other signs of Pre-Eclampsia, she didn't feel comfortable leaving me pregnant for another week to see if I would dilate even more. She said that I would be very sick if the Pre- Eclampsia progressed even more. She decided to induce immediately.
She left the room to call Methodist hospital to see when they had time available. 5 am Thursday morning. That was tomorrow. In less then 12 hours I was going to be a mom!! Holly cow. Needless to say it was a rush to get back to work. Get situated there. Get home and get everything ready for baby. I didn't sleep a wink.
3:30 came awful early. We had to leave by 4 to make it to the hospital by 5. Who needs coffee that early the excitement and the nerves were enough.
New Year, New Fun
5 weeks ago
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