I have decided that Kase is going to be a roller coaster lover. He loves to be thrown around. He also loves to look upside down and hang off the couch. He loves to bounce on the bed. There is a bed at our ranch house that is really bouncy and squeaky and that is great fun! Any time he is upset if I pick him up and toss him in the air or give him a little bounce he starts laughing and cheers right up. His giggle is just so cute. This is also a great work out. I work my biceps and triceps without ever having to leave the couch.
New Year, New Fun
5 weeks ago
Gabriel loves to "fly." :) They do give your arms quite a workout don't they??? Especially now that they're getting to be so big. :(
I like how he's having a good time but he pauses to look at Chris like he's not sure why he isn't participating
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