Not even 11 months old and we officially have our first word!! He has been saying the mamma, dadda stuff for a while now. According to speech pathologists, mamma and dadda do not classify as first words. :( On Sunday night we were playing with his big plastic ball that he got as a Christmas gift from Mangaw. He was rolling it back and forth with mommy and daddy. I rolled the ball back to him and he caught it and said "ball." It was all very exciting. Not only did he say the word... but his a pretty good catch. He has amazing hand eye coordination. Ball is a pretty cool and very boy first word! Mommy is so proud. So an interesting statistic that the doctor shared with me yesterday was that children that are 11 month should say 1 word. 12 months should say 2 words. 13 months should say 3 words, etc. This continues until 18 months when their vocabulary grows exponentially and the rule then doesn't apply. Of course not all kids follow this, some say more, some say less. Our doctor however thinks its a fun stat so he shared it with me.
Speaking of doctors! We had to make a visit yesterday. Kase was starting to get fever over the weekend and started running a 103 by Monday morning. I took him in thinking it was an ear infection, but nope! the tubes are doing what they should and his ears are clear. The doctor thinks that the problem is a sinus infection. Yuck. So we started an antibiotic. Then last night his fever spiked all the way to a 105. I felt so bad. I put a cool cloth on his head and let him sleep it off. The Tylenol finally helped and brought the fever back down. Of course then he was feeling better and didn't want to go to sleep. Hopefully today that antibiotic will start to work and the fever will go down. :( We shall see. I hate it so much when they are sick, I just wish that I could take it all away! Heads up to all my friends with little ones. The doctors warned me that RSV has been very bad this year. They are testing every kid that comes in with fever and a running nose. They tested Kase. He had to hospitalize 4 kids in the past day with RSV... So all my friends that think it could just be a cold, be on the look out. One of the major ways to know is if they have a stuffy nose and their breathing starts to Wheeze instead of rattle. Take them in immediately, the test for RSV is just a swab and wait about 12 mins. Painless and totally worth knowing.
Kase also had another first today! It is his very first Groundhogs day. On Kase's 1st groundhog day, Mr. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow :( . Sadly 6 more weeks of winter. Now we tend to forgive those weather men that are wrong. Especially really cute huge fuzzy groundhogs. Since Phil has only been right in 34% of his 124 prognostications that he has made. The video is on Youtube for all those that would like to see the presentation :).
I wish every one a wonderful Groundhog day!
New Year, New Fun
5 weeks ago
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What a milestone! Congrats on Kase's first official word!!
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