Saturday, May 30, 2009

2 Posts in 1…

So the computer finally made me mad enough so we got a new one… YEA!! its amazing how fast I can actually blog now.  On the old computer, because it was on its last leg, it took almost and hour to put up one post… now as soon as I type it its up!!

So The BUMBO Seat.  We love the Bumbo.  Kase enjoys watching TV… all the colors. So every now and then he will sit in his chair and enjoy the sights.  A lot of Doctors recommend the use of the bumbo chair. Since babies spend so much time on their backs, a lot of children have issues with misshapen heads… Spending time on the tummy or in a bumbo chair helps take that pressure off. Kase HATES tummy time so the bumbo chair is right up his ally.


DSC00687 DSC00681  

Also today we had our first trip to the pool…. He love it.  We had our first experience putting on sun screen and his little swim suit.  He then sat on the edge of the pool with daddy! After his pool experience he took a little nap in mommy’s arms.

DSC00697 His post swim nap!

DSC00688 Mommy and baby with matching shades !!

The first dip in the Pool!


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