Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blog Catch up - Part 1: 4th of July

It was Kase's First 4th of July. Of course we have the bib to mark the day. We were pretty busy on the holiday. What was supposed to be my relaxing 3 day weekend turned into a very busy 3 day weekend. Since 4th of July fell in Saturday this year, we were given Friday off. That was a nice treat.

On Saturday we had a family reunion we had to attend. This was the Zerr family reunion. Chris grandfather Metz Zerr, (who passed away last year) had 5 brothers and sisters. The only time that side of the family ever gets together is when some one passes away. So last year we all decided to have a family reunion some time during 2009. It proved to be a very interesting afternoon. Some of these people haven't seen each other in 20 years. I had never met most of them. Chris didn't remember any of their names but that's understandable since he was in diapers the last time he met most of these folks. We had an afternoon of BBQ and Volley Ball.

Kase was the only baby there for a long time so he did get alot of attention. We decked him out in his cute patriotic overalls. Eventually another baby who was almost a year old showed up. We laughed because Kase was bigger then he was.

After we got back from the family reunion we took a little nap and then went down to the pool for a swim. We normally have the twins put on a fireworks show for us but since it was so dry we didn't get to see fireworks this year.

Kase was so worn out that we pretty much stayed inside for the rest of the weekend to relax.

1 comment:

Amanda & Brian said...

Yay for updates! Thank you!!! :)