Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Braden Bunch!

Welcome to our family Blog! The Braden Bunch. I know we aren't quite a bunch yet but getting close. In march we will become three. Well Nine if you count our fuzzy family, who I'm sure will show up in the Blog quite often. We have 2 Boxers, Tyson and Riley, and 4 horses, Roany, CC, Apache and Buddy. I hope to be able to keep up as much as possible on the blog so our family and friends that don't get to see us very often get to keep up with the goings on in Hondo Texas. We'll include everything from back yard organizing, family trips to most importantly baby updates! Love you all and hope you visit often!


Amanda & Brian said...

Yea!!!! Finally!!!!! I'll add you to my blog roll.

Marissa and Chris said...

Boy you're fast. :)

Amanda & Brian said...

Ha! And I even just woke up from a nap.