Monday, June 8, 2009

Kase’s First Cereal

On Saturday June 6th we had Kase’s first cereal experience. It was pretty funny. He was so hungry and the cereal was so new he got a little frustrated. On cereal day 2 he had a much better experience and was able to eat a table spoon or so of the cereal. He also went 6 hours between feedings after eating the cereal. We are only giving him the cereal around lunch time once a day.
The Doctors all say wait till 4 months to move to solids but he was just so hungry all the time so we decided to let him have the Cereal at 3 months. Kase is consistently eating 8 oz of formula and still hungry. I think since sleeping through the night he’s just so hungry. YEA! CEREAL!!! Enjoy the video ya'll. :)

1 comment:

Michael and Christina said...

He is getting so big! Loved the video.