Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Rainforest

Kase loves to spend time in the Rainforest. The activity gym plays music and has flashing lights to the beat of the music. The large Giraffe on the left holds a mirror in its mouth. Kase loves gazing into the mirror. He also loves making the elephant rattle. This is how Kase spends some of his afternoons at home. We try to do some tummy time inside the gym to give him motivation to hold his head and push up but that frustrates him more.

The Gym plays several songs like twinkle twinkle little star. It was playing a song that I used to sing when I was a kid but it was very frustrating because I couldn't remember the words. I googled and now know the lyrics to the Animal Fair song. Poor Kase now has to listen to me sing the words to all the songs that it plays. I feel sorry for him :( But he is still very entertained by this even with my bad voice singing.
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Softly call the muster...

On Tuesday April 21st we attended Aggie Muster. Click here to check out info on Aggie Muster... Aggie Muster is a great tradition where Aggies all over the world get together, eat a little and honor fallen Aggies. After dinner a roll call is read to remember those Aggies that have gone on before us. The muster for medina county is held at the Medina County Fair Grounds. We had a great time catching up with friends and reminiscing about days on campus. This year the Aggie Muster was very important. Not only was this Kase's first offical Aggie function but the roll call contained a very special name. Chris grandfather Metz Zerr passed away this year. A candle was lit in his name. It was a very special moment for our family.

Check out Kase in his future class of 2031 Duds!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

pssst... hey baby!

Hey Baby! Gimme that Paci... I won't tell mommy if you don't.

Hey! Where's mine? Tyson wants the paci too!
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Baby Furniture...

Who needs a Laz-e Boy when you have a mommy!
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Pictures from Easter

Kase completly tired out after our long trip to Houston.

The car all packed and ready to go. What you can't see is that there is more stuff on the floor under the camera.

Nap time after packing all day!

Kase ater the Easter bunny visit. He's checking out his iPod.
Check out his Ralph Lauren Duds!

Kase in his baby's 1st Easter attire. Totally cute.

Happy Easter from the Braden family!

We were planning a trip to Houston to visit my family for Easter. We had to pack ALOT to take to make sure Kase was comfortable for the trip. The back of the Highlander was packed to the brim. We actually remembered to pack every thing that we needed. After packing Chris and I were very tired. So Kase and I took a little nap on the couch.

Chris had to work on Good Friday so Kase and I drove to pick him up. To give Kase a little break from the car we went into the office to visit my work friends. We were able to show Kase off to a few people that were around on Friday. Alot of Chris' work friends were off already to celebrate the holiday. We headed out to Mimi's and made by about 7pm. Kase was very tired of being in the car by the time that we made it there. I was too.

Saturday morning we woke up and took Kase's 1 month pictures (even though he's officially 5 weeks). They change so much so my goal is to have pictures taken as often as I can. Of course I'm going to take some snap shots but its fun to have professional ones taken too. After pictures we ended up meeting my dad for lunch at the Olive Garden, then went over to Karen and John's for a family get together. (John is one of David's Nephews) There were a bunch of people around and Kase got to hang out with his cousin Hayden.

Sunday morning we went to Easter church. Kase did very well at church. We gave him a bottle when we first got there. Then during the service some very loud speaker feed back occurred it really scared him. He then fell asleep. I would say that he enjoyed his first Easter even though it was raining and we didn't get to have the first Easter egg hunt. We'll save that for next year :).
The Easter bunny brought Kase a cute little outfit and an ipod at mommy and daddy's house. Then at Mimi's the Easter bunny brought some cute little rattles and a silly bunny that played music and moved his ears. The bunny made him cry at first then later he thought it was kind of funny. One of these days I'll post a video to show his reaction to the bunny when I can figure out how to do it. He also got his first bible and a cute puppy rattle at Gran's the week before.

Over all it was a long weekend and Kase was very tuckered when we got home. Is is off of his schedule and been up about every 2 hours. We are working on getting back on his schedule today and hopefully will be back on his 4 hour schedule by tomorrow.

The Braden Family wishes every one a very Blessed Easter. We are so blessed in our family and there is no better time to remember that then during Easter holiday when we remember the best gift of all. Christ's Sacrifice.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

5 Generations

This weekend we all got together for a Pre-Easter gathering since we'll be in Houston on the acutal holiday. Kase was able to hang out with his Great Grandma B and Great-Great Grandma Smith. How many kids actually get to say that they were able to hang out and hear stories from their Great- Great Grandma. In the picture above we have the 5 generations. Kase, Chris, Grandpa Barry (Chris' Dad), Great Grandma B (Barry's Mom) and Mammaw (Shirley "B"s Mom). Mammaw is a young 90-something. We aren't quite sure exactly. A lady never tells her age. Not much gray hair on her head. She still spends hours out in the heat picking weeds and gets frustrated with her self when she has to take a nap. She is amazing and I hope that Chris and Kase take after her with her health and longevity.
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Thursday, April 2, 2009

First Bath and Happy 1 Month

Yea for a clean baby :). Up until now we have been just doing a sponge bath, which he didn't like. He would cry the whole time. Due to both the circumcision and his umbilical cord we were not able to submerge him in bath water. Now that all of that is healed we decided to give the real bath a try. We have a nice baby spa. It has a built in thermometer so that we can make sure we are not getting the water to hot for him. He did very well. He squirmed a little but over all I think he really like it. There was no crying or screaming! It also gave us some embarrassing pictures to show the future girl friends one of these days!
Also today Kase is offically 4 weeks old. I can't belive he's 1 month already. Were time the time go?