Sunday, April 5, 2009

5 Generations

This weekend we all got together for a Pre-Easter gathering since we'll be in Houston on the acutal holiday. Kase was able to hang out with his Great Grandma B and Great-Great Grandma Smith. How many kids actually get to say that they were able to hang out and hear stories from their Great- Great Grandma. In the picture above we have the 5 generations. Kase, Chris, Grandpa Barry (Chris' Dad), Great Grandma B (Barry's Mom) and Mammaw (Shirley "B"s Mom). Mammaw is a young 90-something. We aren't quite sure exactly. A lady never tells her age. Not much gray hair on her head. She still spends hours out in the heat picking weeds and gets frustrated with her self when she has to take a nap. She is amazing and I hope that Chris and Kase take after her with her health and longevity.
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Amanda & Brian said...

How cool!

Heather said...

Aw, that is so awesome! I can't believe it's already been a month! The older he gets, the harder it is for me to decide who he looks like. He still looks like a perfect mix to me! Miss ya'll!