Kase completly tired out after our long trip to Houston.

The car all packed and ready to go. What you can't see is that there is more stuff on the floor under the camera.

Nap time after packing all day!

Kase ater the Easter bunny visit. He's checking out his iPod.
Check out his Ralph Lauren Duds!

Kase in his baby's 1st Easter attire. Totally cute.
1) Poor little guy...he's worn out.
2) Holy cow that's a lot of stuff. What all did you take with you?
3) Awww...sleeping pictures are cute!
4) Love the stylin' clothes, Kase!!! Gabriel has the same froggy toy. :)
5) I like all of his holiday appropriate bibs. :)
So we packed. My my bag and Chris bag of course. We packed an extra bag for Kase that included a couple changes of clothes for each day, a couple extra blankets, his travel wiper warmer and a couple toys. We brought a package of diapers. We carried a seperate large tupperware thing with about 6 bottles. A big bottle of baby water and his formumla. We carried the stroller, pack and play and his portable swing. We also brought his rain forest play gym whcih we didn't use since he was so tired. Those big things are what took up most of the room though:) I think thats about it.
Love the nappy picture!! And the one at the top in the hat! So cute! I can't wait to spoil him :)
Where are you getting all your cute facelift thingies? I made mine on picnik but they don't really match anything...
(Oh and yeah, I got bored one day and created a blog...not that my life has anything all that exciting...hence the animal crossing pics)
My backgrounds come from the Cutest blog on the block. Click on the upper left corner of my blog and it will take you there. The headers come from scrapblog.co its an online scrapbook that you can use to creat a jpeg then you have to resize the jpeg to fit on the top of the blog.
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