Kase loves to spend time in the Rainforest. The activity gym plays music and has flashing lights to the beat of the music. The large Giraffe on the left holds a mirror in its mouth. Kase loves gazing into the mirror. He also loves making the elephant rattle. This is how Kase spends some of his afternoons at home. We try to do some tummy time inside the gym to give him motivation to hold his head and push up but that frustrates him more.
The Gym plays several songs like twinkle twinkle little star. It was playing a song that I used to sing when I was a kid but it was very frustrating because I couldn't remember the words. I googled and now know the lyrics to the Animal Fair song. Poor Kase now has to listen to me sing the words to all the songs that it plays. I feel sorry for him :( But he is still very entertained by this even with my bad voice singing.
New Year, New Fun
5 weeks ago
Aw! He's getting so big! Can't wait to see him again!! By the way, I bought some CDs at the book fair at school that have lots of children's songs. The artists aren't the best (after all the set of 4 CDs was only $12) but I thought they'd be great for a PreK room if that's where I end up. If you want, I can burn them for Kase's iPod. I've also got tons of classical stuff if you want to Mozart him while he sleeps :) Miss ya'll & Love ya'll! Give my nephew a kiss for me!
Poor guy is so long he's almost outgrown the mat! Good thing he'll be awesome at sports!!! Did you ever figure out the video ting??? I need more Kase in my life. :)
oops,,,video thing. Not "ting."
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