Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Children's Museum
We met Amanda, Brian and little Gabriel at The Children's Museum in Houston. This was a wonderful place to meet. It was one of the only central locations that we could think of. The mall on black Friday wouldn't work. We also thought about the Zoo but decided inside would be better. This turned out be be a GREAT idea. The boys had so much fun. I do have to admit the adults had fun as well. We were able to visit and catch up and play with all the toys!
The Childrens' Museum has a great toddler play area with pyramids and lots of great areas to crawl on. They also had TONS of toys, the great thing about the toys is that they were constantly changing them out and cleaning them. They had a really cool big lite board. The ball pit was a big hit Kase and Gabriel had tons of fun in it. The adults enjoyed watching the boys take just one ball back and forth from each other when there were tons of balls in the pit. :)
We miss hanging out with Amanda and Brian. We for sure have to get the boys together again really soon! Click on the link below the previous post for the pictures of Thanksgiving and the Children's Museum trip!
Kase's First Thanksgiving
After dinner the sisters traded Thanksgiving gifts. This has been a tradition that they have done for as long as I can remember. We had some desert and coffee and shared family memories. The boys played the bean bag toss game for hours to work off the Turkey. Of course there was a little football watching too.
We have so much to be thankful for again this year. We are so very blessed with our new addition to our family. I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and friendship. We wish every one a Happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Oh memories
Also Happy Birthday Sesame Street. Last week was Sesame Street's 40th Birthday!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Night
Mommy and her little Monster
The Monster Man!
Kase enjoyed his Halloween with all of his cousins. A few cousins showed up a little later so we didn't get pictures with them in their costumes. So we are missing picture of Coy (Popeye), Coryn(butterfly) and Carter (can of Spinach). Kase got hot in this little stuffed outfit. It was really funny and he didn't mind that thing on his head at all. He's such a good boy. He even growled a little while in his monster suit!! The adults enjoyed a little conversation time as the kids ran around and played. We made some great cupcakes and ate hot dogs. It was a really fun first Halloween for Kase.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Kase loves Spaghetti. It is Beechnut Pasta and Veggies, but tastes like Spaghetti O's. He practiced chewing. Since he was acting like he was chewing we tried moving on to the yogurt melts, but he choked on them so we'll have to wait a little longer on those.
We've also started trying the pureed meats. The Earth's Best Dinners he really likes. Beef and spinach tastes like Chili and he really enjoyed that. It doesn't sound that appealing to mommy but he's such a good eater. We've only found a few things that he hates. Beechnut Mac & Cheese, but he likes the Gerber Mac and Cheese and of course broccoli.
Kase is on the move! Not quite sure if it qualifies as a crawl... Its more of an army crawl / scoot! Who knows. He will get up on knees like he is going to go for a crawl... then lays down on his tummy and does this. :) lol He's growing up way to fast ;(
Corn Maize
Hi Mom! Why am I in the dirt?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
First Big Boy Bath
Monday, October 5, 2009
Our first injury
We had a long night last night too. Kase has a stuffy nose and he seems like he's teething. He didn't sleep from about 2 till 4. So mommy is very very tiered.
Also today was Kase's 7 month birthday. He is growing so fast. I am excited for all his milestones but it makes me sad too. Last night while up at 2 am. I was rocking him in my arms trying to get him to go back to sleep and it brought back memories of the first few weeks we had him home. I used to be able to hold him in one arm and now it takes two. Its amazing to me now how big he is and that he ever fit in my tummy.
Kase did get to have a little special fun today. His cousin Jackson turned 1 yesterday. Jackson brought in cupcakes at the day care for his birthday. Kase doesn't like sweets but he did love to tear up the cupcake. He liked to feel the difference of the texture of the icing versus the cake. The cupcakes were green, so he looks like a little munchkin.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
First words?!?
Nap time to recover from the fun!
More napping!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Where has the time gone!
We went to the Ped. office on Tuesday. His ears are looking better and recovering nicely from his ear infection. Kase wasn't able to get his 6 month shots or flu shot becuase he started getting congested and they didn't want to add anything to make him worse. The Doctor said that he was growing well. He was 18.5 lbs and 28.5 inches long. He is in the 95% for height and about 50% for weight. So we had a tall and skinny kiddo.
Also another interesting thing is that he is grabbing everything with his left hand. That would just make daddy happy to have a really tall lefty. That would make for a great pitcher :).
Kase is so close to both sitting and crawling. I just know any day he's not goign to be where I left him. He seems like he is goign to get teeth any day now too. I can't belive how fast he has grown. Time sure does fly.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Gig'em Aggies

Sunday, August 23, 2009
5 Months Part 3: Bad Dreams
5 Months Part 3: Who needs a roller coaster
5 Months Part 2: NO Broccoli
5 Months Part 1: Inks Lake

Uncle Colby makes the best highchair!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Blog Catch up - Part 8: Jumperoo
Blog Catch up - Part 7: Peas Please
I couldn't find any peas at the store so I went ahead and bought baby food peas from the store. We decided since we were still in the middle of making the food we'd start with the canned stuff. Plus I thought starting with Peas would be funny. I LOVE Peas. Chris HATES Peas. Every since he was a baby he hated peas. Ginny said that even when he was an infant Chris would spit peas right back at her when she tried them. That is pretty much the same reaction we still get today as an adult. Due to the family drama with peas I decided it would be an appropriate food to start with. Chris grabbed the video camera. I was bracing myself for projectile peas coming back at me. Kase loved them. It even came with a YUMMMMMM. It was so cute. He savored those peas and swished them around his mouth a bit and talked about how much he liked them. We've been making the yummy noise with him while eating his cereal and he's caught on to that.
In this video its hard to hear but you can hear him going "mmmmmm" when he takes a bite! Enjoy!